After a few minutes watching the
birds circle above and enjoying the soft summer breeze blowing the cherry
blossoms to the ground in a most spectacular array of color, the teacher smiled
to Sue and said, “Remember always the Child’s equation of giving and receiving. The glimpses and glimmers that are breaking
through are your Original Identity, The Child of God making Itself known. These glimpses will grow and grow as you
offer them to your “others”. We offer
them not only in words but also with the acknowledgment of your heart, that the
guiltlessness you are finding for yourself is true of Everyone. It is in “seeing” the Child of God in others
that our glimpses come much more regularly.
Do you remember the fun practice that I spoke of in the past of looking
for good in everyone and everything? We
continue this looking for the good/God qualities and attributes in others. This looking for good in spite of the ego’s
protestations to the contrary, will grow and grow. Make it a game, have fun. Even with the person who seems to be always
angry or impatient, we can find something good.
“How so?” asked Sue. The teacher
smiled and said, “Ah, so, even this image we have called angry and impatient is
consistently so. Consistency is the good
we can see. This practice is the
beginning of finding yourself the Self we spoke of earlier. It is to forgive our projections and selfhood
images. This practice of looking for
good and what we spoke about in our earlier conversation will awaken you to the
Divine Spark within your mind and you will find yourself the Self in The Meadow. This “new seeing” will be the natural and spontaneous way of
Being. It is the Way of The Child.” Sue, sensing that the conversation was over,
bid the teacher farewell, and asked, “May I come and visit another day?” “Of course you can”, said the teacher, “I
look forward to our next visit.”
Sue left and returned a month
later, the blossoms had all scattered now replaced with the fruit of a new day. “It is good to visit with you again,” said
the teacher. “The Meadow and I have been
expecting you. What have you learned
from your practice of forgiveness and looking for the good in all things?”
Sue smiled at her Friend and
her Friend smiled back. “I know I am in
The Meadow, The Happy Dream. With joy and enthusiasm in her voice, Sue
said. “By God, I see, I see, There is
nothing outside The Mind and Its Self-awareness I am.” The Friends smiled, clapped their hands, got
up and starting skipping through The Meadow.
It would be only a short time before the ripening fruit would come to