Monday, January 30, 2012

The Balance of Above and Below, Inside and Outside

It seems to me that one cannot finish the business of forgiveness without understanding the Child’s balance.  In the end, we find ourselves balanced at the peak of the mountain of understanding.  The Sacred One we are, balanced between Heaven and the material world.

Draw a picture of the Jewish star, the Star of David. What follows, for me, is the mystical and Kabbalistic interpretation.  Now draw another star raising the inverted triangle so that its point now touches the point of the other below.  Here we can envision the grand mysticism.  The inverted triangle represents the Heaven above and the triangle below represents the holographic universe(s), an upside down  copy of the Original. The below triangle reflects the Above triangle, an image that is bottom up, an inverted mirror image. There at the midway point stands the balanced Angel of light We always are; The Child of God.

With this Star of David, one can see the Child balanced on the peak, one hand holding God’s and the other hand reaching down to our selfhood images seemingly below.  When we forgive (undo attachment and investment in the ego belief system) and find the glimpse behind these words for ourselves, we will find that we have always been right Here at the peak of Da Shan (tangible world).  This is to make the inner and outer a single one, as we have been admonished. 

This analogy can also bring clarity to the statements: I am in the world but not of it.  The truth is within Me and As Me.  The kingdom of God is within and without. 

The Real World (Vision) and perception are the balance. Vision is the As and perception is the within; both appearing simultaneously in the dreaming mind.

So what to do?  We get off our soft behinds and climb the Mountain of Understanding.  We live the Divine Discipline of Quantum forgiveness (undoing the myth of separation) right here in the world of people, places and things, and as we do this, we return to our Original Self, messiah to “our” world. 

The Ocean-Wave Analogy

A pondering and conceptual pointer to the Real identity that we are:

Imagine with me for a moment a body of water and let’s call it The Ocean of Self Discovery.  Let us continue with this thinking and develop the notion that we are a particular wave upon the surface of this body of water.

As we identify as this particular wave, there is the sense, the notion that we are this wave here, and there are others waves there.  And there appears to be an almost infinite number of separate waves each distinct from the wave that we believe we are.  And all of these other waves also believe that they are different and separate from the rest.

Each wave upon the ocean is claiming, “I am this”, or “I am that”.  There are those waves who take pride and are arrogant because they are the largest and the best waves for the surfers of the world.  Some waves think that they are better than the surfing waves because they are calm and gentle and allow the small children to play.  They scorn the surfing waves with a false humility, thinking that they are inappropriate with their surfing activity.  Other waves claim that their variety of wave is the finest or the most holy because of their own particular beliefs and perspectives.  And, then there are those who feel unworthy or not good enough because of the opinions or views of some of the other waves.

One day a Wave comes along and speaks to some of the waves, those that are willing to listen, and shares with them that their belief and sense that “I am this wave and I am separate from those other waves over there” is not real; that it is an illusion, a mistaken identity that they have believed themselves to be.  “This sense of self is the me-sense, a hypothetical identity superimposed on the Real identity of each wave”, says the One.  Most of the waves laugh or scorn this Wave and its perspective and cast all sorts of aspersions at it.  “Blasphemer!” accuses the waves of religion; “Nonsense!” from the waves of intellect; “Ridiculous!” cries the waves of all those who are unwilling to surrender the I-concept, the me-sense they believe they are.

But there are those that remain and listen to this Wave as it explains conceptually of their Real Identity and how the mistaken identity is the cause of its prejudices, judgments and suffering.  The question is asked by one of the listening waves, “What is the Real Identity and how do I find it?”

The Wave, awakened to the dream of time, matter and the pseudo-identity, makes a statement and asks a question: “When the notion of a personal sense of identity is understood and surrendered (here a little and there a little), the misguided thoughts of being better than, less than, or different than other waves will start to disappear and the answer to your question becomes Self-evident.  My question to you is this: “When all definitions, descriptions, labels and beliefs of what a wave is supposed to be or not be or supposed to do or not do is surrendered, what remains?  What remains as the Real Identity, the essence of each wave, when size, shape, religion, color, belief, anger and blame are discarded?”

When this is honestly answered and understood, the reason for the ocean, the supposititious identity, and the apparent suffering that seems to take place within ones experience is then understood, and what a wondrous day that is.

Herein lies the mystery and the Truth of who and what We are.

The Ocean of Being

Upon the surface of My body, My waves rise and fall
I have so many faces, so many different shapes and designs
Each wave an extension of Myself just being a wave
Even as some of them begin to pound against the shore.

But in the deep of Myself, there is calm
Even as the storm begins to rage upon the surface
The Ocean I am is still while the rest of me begins to heave
The clouds darken, the season changes, and identity alone is at Rest.

I return to the calm of Myself
While the storm acts out its fury
I behold the whole of Me and know that all is well
As I watch the waves dissolve back into Me.

The Sun begins a new day,
My waters are quiet, gentle and serene
I have so many faces, I have to remind Myself
That all that I see is the ocean I be.


January 2004

Stretched for miles, white sand, almost endless
Beautiful blue water, white caps breaking upon the shore
Seagulls and pelicans diving for their morning meal
And children playing in sun glistened sand

I sit myself down watching the encroaching tide
Sand between my toes, my fingers beginning to dig
Just close enough to waters edge so sand and water can mix
As the castle wall begins to appear, form where none was before

The moat is built, tunnels appear and anticipation dwells within
For the race is on as the tide creeps ever closer
Tempting the fates, can the work be completed
Before the onrush of water leaves the castle all crumbled?

Filled with excitement as the castle is finished
I sit and watch, feeling content, body all covered with sand
The waves move relentlessly upon the outer wall – the final battle between water and sand
Walls and towers crumbling into the deposited water – the castle has no reprieve

Within a few moments the castle and all structures are gone
Nothing left but faint remains of a fun filled day
A Child’s day, when imagination soared
When time and mind did not intervene

As I look upon the day’s play
I cannot but notice that only the form is gone
The sand that shaped my little world had not gone anywhere
Only the form had changed, nothing lost

The Child Heart of Life understands
Waves and ocean, water is the essence
So too, beach and castle, sand is the essence
One Awareness (Life), many forms

The Winged Butterfly

There is a Grand Good arriving on the scene.  It is really not arriving at all because It is already Here, right now, closer than the breath we take.  And we find That which is already here as we become (this is how it seems) more aware of our original nature.  The Good that I write about and have found for Myself is not found in our life situations (although grand things seem to happen) but is found as Our Original and Authentic Being.  And this Grand Good/Being comes as a Feeling of Joy, Tranquility, Contentment.  And this Joy does not disappear in spite of the appearances of evil or what we judge as bad and negative.  “A thousand to my left, ten thousand to my right, but no evil shall come to thy dwelling place”.

It is difficult to speak of these things and when I do I am accused of being naïve, unrealistic, too childlike, or I have my head buried in the sand.  On the contrary, I am more alive and peaceful than ever before and I am willing to give my blood and dollars to those that need it.

Allow me a metaphor:

Imagine what a caterpillar experiences as it is breaking out of its cocoon on its journey of becoming a butterfly.  As a caterpillar, it only knows its experience from its limited point of view.  It knows about the leaf it lives on and perhaps a whole tree.  But what does it know of the forest and flowers that live outside its limited viewing point?  And once the caterpillar enters the cocoon stage, it enters a dark and scary place.  It is presumed that a caterpillar does not think or feel, but please, allow me metaphor.  All metaphors break down, but I believe this one makes a good point.

In that darkness, the caterpillar might even call the experience evil, certainly threatening and there is uncertainty about the future.  And then the struggle and fear continues as the caterpillar starts to break through and out of the cocoon.  But oh, that grand day arrives, the day good arrives on the scene as the caterpillar breaks through the cocoon existence and behold, the butterfly emerges and is on the scene.  The winged Butterfly now becomes aware of Something marvelous that could not be seen from the caterpillar’s limited point of view as it travels from flower to flower almost unlimited with Its new point of view.  The Butterfly with all its beauty and new experiences knows what no other caterpillar knows and yet also knows that each caterpillar will experience the same Event.  If the Butterfly went back to the other caterpillars to tell of this Wonderful and Good Event that is about to arrive, it would be shunned and possibly stoned.

How do you tell of such things?  How do you tell of the Wonder and Joy that is spread over the whole face of the land, but men perceiveth It not?  How does one tell that the evil in the world is perfect just the way it is and that it is part of a Grand plan of Awakening and that it is Man’s recalcitrance and arrogance that causes the evil in the first place?  It may look like it comes from some insane group of people, and yes, we must not allow such people to act this way, but for me I realize that man is a single identity about the business of breaking out into a new day.  And, behold, I look upon a new-found world with new-found eyes.

There is a Grand Good awakening and just like childbirth, there are the birth pangs and contractions that precede the birth of the child.  There is a Child that is birthing, a new Consciousness, the Soul of Man.  Watch and see.  It isn’t long until the Light of God is made evident for all Mankind.

I am not talking about some religious bull or airy fairy new age nonsense.  I am talking about man returning within to his Heart and finding Himself/Herself more than just a human, but a Soul and Spirit.  We find that we are not a human being having a spiritual experience but a Spirit having a human experience.  We find that we have always been the Winged Butterfly but have fallen asleep and the process of awakening sometimes seems dreadful and frightening.

Letter January 27,2012

My friends of my heart; I woke up early this morning and started to draw the analogies that point to the linear experience and to the horizontal experience of return. The conversation from last night’s class in regards to the projector analogy came to mind; and so I write some thoughts and share this Birthing Glimpse. When it is said “we are the projector”, it is the illusory mind that has been identified with that is the projector, the projecting and the projected (another three that are one) at this rung of The Ladder of Return or we can use the analogy, this view on The Mountain of Understanding. I remember about a year or two ago, I said in class that our goal should be to recognize that we are the Chooser and stay there.

Consciousness is the chooser, the very beginning of the imagined separation; and it is here that we find Original Mind, the Holy Mind, The Child of God, as we ascend one more rung and understand that We are beyond the Dreaming, Choosing mind. The Child of God is who and what I (we) are.

In the end we find the beginning where there are no beginnings and endings, We find ourselves willing to surrender everything, even the Son of God and Have God the Only. God is. We are The Child of God standing atop the ladder, balanced, recognizing that we are always Home in God, God’s Very Own Self-Awareness and simultaneously living this Balance in the hypothetical world of our own choosing. We are in the world but not of it and we share this Glimpse that we are awakening to with our Selfhood images.

At this Point in our Self-discovery, we have come to understand that the love and the healing that is apperceived is nothing but the confirmation of our own journey, our mind’s healing. We have looked for the Good/Holy Spirit/The Child in everything and have found the everything to be Me, this Divine Awareness of Supernal Mind. There is only Good/ God and the delineation that makes It recognized. This is part of the Mystery. There is nothing but this Awareness We Are and Its Self-Reflection. The Universe has disappeared, become transparent and only The Light of Love and Truth are seen. We continually return to the beginning and stay there, to the chooser of what belief system is going to be believed and we stay there, now free of the value we have given to the world, we find Ourselves choosing the Holy Spirit, We choose the Truth We Are. We are now Complete, Whole and Single. There is nothing that we have to do to Be what we Already Are.  It is here that we understand that there is no longer any choice to make.  We are That which we have been seeking.  

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Now is the Time to Remember

January 2012

Now is the time to remember, from whence and where we belong
Home in God and Eternity, it is time to remember who we are
For love is the answer, we are made in the image of god
And together we will return to the Heaven that we are.

Love and light together, walking hand and hand we go
Up the ladder of understanding, willing to let everything go
Yes, we are one and the same, the heart of the sacred Spirit
We will not remain as we are, for love is taking us forward.

Forward is really upwards, the linear is undone
The holy instant is forever, our eyes finally open
The veil is rent, our beliefs undone, the Child we are is Found
This is the promise of the spirit, if we do our simple part.

Forgiveness is the undoing, the letting go of the false and untrue
Past and future are imagined, the means by which we appear
Reality is our Being, even while we are physically here
We discover the Balance, and live in the happy dream.

The Transcendent Self

June 2011

I walk in the world and yet Identity I is prior to the world and the walk
In the world and not of it, a paradox of great peace and joy
I breathe and eat and yet breathing and eating are within the Awareness I am
A Mystery of such great import and a paradox of freedom and Love

I watch and witness to the events that rise and fall
Growing in the understanding it is but myself that I witness
And this grows still deeper and wider, it is but my Self that I watch
Transcending the world and yet enjoying and being all that arises

I watch thoughts and feelings rise and fall upon the screen of me
Identity, The Child, transcends the screen and yet is being the screen
A Mystery and Paradox that is coming into light; I am grateful
Love is the Answer, freedom the result and the Very Identity of Being

Let the words flow Father, let the light shine
Make me that which I already Am, the Being of Creation
Let me sing from the rooftops and let my words be honest
Let the words and the singing be worthy of Thee

Identity is prior to this place and this time
And yet here I seem to be, I seem to live
Oh, paradox and mystery, I am grateful
As the Light reveals Itself to Me

I am the Light and the Living Son of God
I am here to share this glimpse with my brothers and sisters
To tell of the Mystery and Paradox that We Are
One Self in the play of diversity and contradistinction

One Light, One Love and yet the world seems to be off course
Has always been so, but for the few that have arrived and shared their light
Now it is time, a “great necessity” has arrived, the time is growing short
For us to awaken to the Light, the Mystery and the Paradox that is life

But Life, the Original life prior to time and space
Such ease and joy when the ego is relinquished
Nothing to fear and yet the ego is fear itself
A contraction of the Real to a tiny point in time and space

I Am the Door, the mid-point between the inside and the outside
I stand at the door with one hand outstretched to God and the other to my world
It is a great mystery for a time of “great necessity”
It is a wonder of wonders, a paradox for a time of “great necessity”

Father, oh Lord God, the Light of Being
I am made in Your Image, and yet I have imagined a world of great suffering
It is time to Awaken, to take my place to give the Gift of Light and Freedom
It is indeed, indeed, a time of “great necessity”

And what is this necessity, this need that that has arisen and has always been
It is the answering of a call, an invitation to return Home
To find and to be found the Original and Authentic Identity We are
It is to accept the Covenant of the Heart, our birthright and inheritance

We are the Living Sons of God, God’s Self awareness
We are the Light and the Life of Being
We are not the limited being that is the body nor within a body
We are Free, We are Spirit, We are the Love that we each seek

Who is there that is not seeking and desiring happiness
Yea, there are many strange and delusional ways we seek
Many justifications, many sufferings and pain
Projections upon each other in the name of self-reliance and self-determination

Ah, such vain gloriousness, indeed such recalcitrance
As we play at being God, even while calling oneself an atheist
Control is the issue, desire to be author of the life one believes to be true
Possessor of life instead of Life and Light Itself

And so the words have all been written, many honest and authentic spokesmen of the Light
Bringing their teachings and awakenings to the world of themselves
So why, why is there this “great necessity” that keeps calling me to complete the transaction
Not just for myself but for my world, for my Selfhood images

And so I continue, to surrender, let go and undo the illusion
Of someone that is special with special relationships
I forgive my illusions and let go the value I have given this world
And I remain patient, trusting the process of undoing

It is a great mystery and enigma; light both a wave and particle
That which is already complete, appearing as a journey of completion
A transaction to finish, an interface to understand
Oh what a mystery and paradox and I am grateful.

The Sacred Heart Song

January 2012
My heart is singing.  I can hear, though not with the physical ear, the Divine Symphony.  The Child I am is in The Meadow and The Meadow is Me.  The Meadow has always been here, I just didn’t know it.  This is how it is for those of us who make it around the bases and are heading for home plate.  The Meadow is the “happy dream” of the Course in Miracles, the place where the Child lives in Freedom and Joy.  It is the place where illusion’s reign has ended and one recognizes the Child In and As Everyone.  It is the place where we recognize our creations and see the innocence of all that appears in The Meadow’s field of infinite possibilities.  It is where the Child’s vision is wedded with the tangible world and a new interpretation given and the Purpose of why we are bodily here; to find the Sacred Child of Self-Remembrance.

The Meadow cannot be seen with the physical eye, it is beyond reason and logic and certainly beyond the great effort of trying to understand it intellectually.  The Meadow is the place of simplicity, whereas the world of mortal men is the place of complexity.  As Jesus said, dudes and dudettes, I paraphrase of course, “If you want to find the Kingdom of God, then find the beginning and stay there.  Where you find the beginning, you will find the end.”  It is from and in The Meadow that I am given these words to tell of the Love and Joy that is our destiny, our heritage and birthright from the very beginning.  We can, by God, we can dismantle all of the egoic conditioning that we have been carrying around as our belief system for so very, very long.
We can, yes we can find The Place that we each are seeking.  This place of peace and contentment is right here closer than breathing and nearer than hands and feet.  It is right here as the very Heart We Are, the Divine Child that we are, in actual fact prior to this experience of tangibility  and simultaneously here bodily in time and space.  We were the closest to this One when we were children unspoiled by the ego’s belief system encroaching upon us.  But the divine plan is more than just being the child, it is to know that we Are The Child, and in the play of experience which has always been our decision from the very beginning of time, we are to move up the mountain of understanding  and become the Child in actual fact.  
The Child of seven days, unfettered and unconditioned by the accumulation of the ego's belief system is a wonder of freedom and joy.  It does what it does without judgment and fear.  This child/Child and its original Freedom is what we re-discover, but this time with the discovery comes the conscious recognition of Subjectivism and The Equation. 
Prior to this, let’s call it an awakening, we seem to leave the tender days of childhood and grow into the time of adult forgetfulness and discontent.  We, like Peter Pan in the movie “Hook”, have forgotten our original Condition and Identity and have grown long in the world of earning a living and have continued to position ourselves for survival and material ongoingness.  But somewhere along the way for the fortunate of us, we hear of our Original Child Identity from another who has found that One and we begin our “return” home to a place that is always Here and to a time that is always Now.  For some of us, the very few, the “elect”, have been given a gift of Self-remembrance.  We are the ones that “hear” and choose to Find our original nature.  We are the elect because we have been willing to accept the gift offered to Everyone.  I want to make it clear, no mistake here.  I use the word elect in the sense that we have elected ourselves to be what we Always were (ARE) and go about the business of climbing the mountain of self-understanding to "arrive" at the Peak where we Find Ourselves the Balanced Child, The Child of God living in the world of appearances.  

This is the miracle of Awakening to the Open-eyed position, the 360 degree view where there is no self left that can awaken.  There is only the experience of Awakening with no subject to awaken and no object to seek or try to grasp.  We are That which we are seeking for.  This is the miracle of keeping a journal and writing from the position that we are the Divine Awareness of God and we write from that position.  We write our glimpses, we write of the good and loving things we see in our everyday experience.  We write about them as if they are a part of us because they are within this awareness that is writing and reading these words.  More than that, the Glimpse is The Child breaking through the veil of mis-perception. 
The consciousness that perceives is not separate or apart from that which is perceived.  It seems that way but it is my experience, yes, it is, that all that is perceived is but the out-picturing, the reflection of what we have chosen with our wishes, beliefs and thoughts.  I am speaking of this at the level of mind, not the human mind but the mind that is prior to the psycho-physical experience.  I am speaking at the level of consciousness prior to time and space.  We must get back to the beginning, the "time" before time; a time prior to fear and guilt, a time prior to judgment and separation.  We can do this because I have done it.  And if this one here, this one called bruce david, can rise above, so to speak, the historical story and Find the Truth and Life I am, then I know that anyone can do it.  I know this is so. 
Dear God, it is so simple, so plain, and yet how long, how recalcitrant I remained.  How arrogant I lived believing I was somewhere that I hadn’t yet found.  But this is the way for all of us.  It is part of the journey back to Original Nature, free of all self-image, free of the need to defend, attack and seek for the thing that will give us something we think we do not have, something that we think we need, always searching for happiness outside ourselves.  We walk around in time and space, mis-identified as this particular person, carrying around a self-image that is continually swinging like a pendulum between not enough and too much.  Swinging, always seeking to find the Balance of Peace and Freedom and never finding that which we think will make us happy; or it is found only temporarily and then the discomfort returns, the nagging unhappiness and the search continues for the next relationship, the next book, the next drink, the next religion, the next life.  Always the search and the seeking and never looking within to the simplicity of the Child One we Each are.
We have grown so accustomed to the ego’s strategies that speak to survival of an identity that is personal and separate from all others.  This is the self-image that has developed over time like a garden overgrown with weeds, strangling and choking off any remembrance of the simple days of Childhood.  I am not speaking to the days of childishness but to the days of the Child simplicity when one was without the ego structure that has been built by fear, guilt and judgment.  I bring forth the days when we weren’t afraid to dance naked, nor worried about playing in the mud, jumping into a pile of leaves, and running through the sprinkler in the back yard.  Those were the days of much joy and freedom; those were the days of The Child’s Innocence.  Those days can be this day. 
Yes, we can get back to those days because we have never left the Child/child of those days.  The Child we are is simply covered over with layer upon layer of opaque ego goo.  Layers of self-image based on a false sense of who and what we are.   A self-image that is always searching for happiness instead of recognizing the Happiness We Are.  
The Divine Plan of Self remembrance is here and now.  It has been here all the while with the great lights sharing their message, Jesus perhaps the first and clearest to Identify as the Child Light, bringing forth their own Self-discoveries and revelations.  Lao Tzu spoke of the Primal Simplicity.   How simple it is were it not for the ego’s vainglorious desire to play at being god, to be in control and be the authority on the scene. 
What obfuscates simplicity's presence is the ego’s unwillingness to surrender its positions of right and wrong.  We have grown invested and attached to beliefs and have become obdurate when it comes to surrendering all of our cherished notions of who we are.  Why?  Because of fear, the fear to look into the ego’s belief system that is based on separation, guilt, fear and judgment.  The ego tells us not to trust others for they will take advantage and we will lose something valuable.  For some, real injustice has taken place, at least that is how it seems and we grow deeply in mistrust. 
As stated above, we must go back to the beginning and stay there to the best we can, back to the beginning prior to the Child’s descent into this hypothetical holographic time/space experience of duality.  We learn to live this Divine Discipline "precept upon precept, a little here and a little there." Why does it seem to be this way for most?  Because we believe that time is real, so we believe it takes time to find the happiness we are searching for, a Happiness that is timeless and Always and Already present.  Only as we allow the Child of Our Heart to take us back to the beginning do we surrender more and more to The Way of the Child.  
The Child’s way is to live the equation of giving and receiving and coming upon the wisdom that these two are a single one.  The Child’s way is to live the Reality that the outside and the inside is a single one.  The Child lives this subjective illumination right here in the seeming objective world.  Jesus said, “I am in the world but I am not of it”.  And so it is for the Child of Us all.   
Ask a psychologist about the first 18 months or so for the human child and he will tell you that the human child is all subjective living.  This is the Child of seven days that Jesus spoke about in the “Gospel According to Thomas”.  This child touches his or her mother’s face and there is no concept of separation from itself.  The whole world is Itself.  This is so.

I have found for myself that this human experience is the perfect metaphor and illustration of what happens at the level of mind prior to time, prior to the projection that takes place at the beginning when the mind first splits into the mind of duality.  Ah, all dream stuff.  Lao Tzu spoke of it like this:  In the beginning there is the one, and the one becomes two, and the two becomes the ten thousand.  Yin and Yang and the field of infinite possibilities is born as the big bang at the beginning of time.  We go back prior to form to Consciousness and then unto Divine Awareness and Godhead.  It is enough to start with Consciousness, the perceiving mind of all that appears.  It is here where we will learn to let go of fear and guilt as we stop projecting our inner turmoil and beliefs unto our “others”.  Our others are the Selfsame Awareness We Are and we project our limiting belief system onto the screen of our mind and behold the selfhood images we perceive, believing they are separate and outside our mind.  As the Course in Miracles says, "Ideas leave not their Source". 

There are so many words that try to point to the simplicity of letting go the old man, the ego, and taking on the new man, the authentic and original identity made in the Image of God.  It would seem that the words must come from many different directions speaking to many different levels at the same time.  There is the psychological level, the religious level, the scientific level and the metaphysical level.  All these are appearing on the screen of mind eventually delineating, for the vigilant and willing, the One Awareness and Mind of Identity that is without levels and hierarchies.   
We find the Child’s balance which transcends and includes all polarities; above/below, inside/outside, male/female, first/last, subjective/objective, essence/image and beginnings/endings.  The Child’s Way recognizes the field of opposites as the hypothetical self-description of a mind desiring to experience individuality and materiality and therefore limiting and contracting itself, spiraling and descending into ever denser and denser layers of form.  The Child also recognizes the Divine plan that form is the delineation of the Ineffable formlessness.  
Such is the way of the story of mankind.  It is now time for the Eternal Story to be told again and this time finally received.  What will it take?  What “great necessity” still needs to befall us for the necessary surrender of our personal self-image to be made?  Suffering is unnecessary, but it seems to me, up to this point, there are very few who are willing to make the divine inversion, the turning within to the Ineffable Source and Its Self-Awareness We Are.  Until the surrender is made, suffering due to ego resistance and recalcitrance seems to be the catalyst that is necessary for the final surrender.  In the words from The Course in Miracles, I equate this to quantum forgiveness; the undoing of the entire ego structure.
As we gaze into the world of our own making, we can look around and see the unwillingness for most to let go of their investment and attachments which are all ego based on separation and otherness.  To the degree that this unwillingness remains, we can see for ourselves how the pot is beginning to boil and very soon it will boil over as we witness the evidence of this in our personal and worldly events. 
Only good is going on and the Child lives in The Meadow, all the while the world and its authorities remain reluctant to give up its cherished positions, notions and dogmas.  The Child remains a passerby as the world's tumult comes as the opportunity to change one’s mind.  Recognizing life lessons as an opportunity instead of judging them as better or worse, right or wrong is the beginning of a turnaround; the opportunity for Self-remembrance as we let go the misperceptions we use as defense mechanisms to support and maintain our wounded and spurious self-image.
In this willingness to stop judging others and defending our positions one finds the Freedom and Joy that has been long sought and seemingly never found.  As Jesus said, "become like the little children and there you will find the kingdom of God."
These are the words that try to paint a picture of a Sight that is truly Wonderful and Miraculous.  Imagine you are an artist and you are walking in a meadow and there not far from you, a deer appears, a mighty buck, majestic beyond description as the morning mist shimmers all around.  You have your brushes and paint and all that is necessary to take this vision and   express it on the canvas.  You are inspired and want to capture all the majesty that you are feeling within, feelings beyond what the eye is seeing. And so you hasten to capture this feeling.  Where is the artist that can capture these feelings, this experience, and have the image on the canvas bring the viewer to the same magical moment?  It has been nearly done by some of the great artists of this world.  Nearly, because the painting is never the absolute original inspired moment.  Such it is with the poets and authors of the world who try to tell of their visions and the revelations given to them. 

So too, here am I trying to picture with words a sight that is beyond belief, beyond the intellectual understanding; it is a wonder of wonders just as that  magnificent deer is also such.  And so I paint with my fingers and keyboard, trying with all my heart to come up with the analogies, stories and metaphors that can point to and inspire the seminal sight that is The Child, Its Meadow and the Equation (the Way the Child lives in the world). The Three that are One.  

The final discipline involves the correct apprehension of Identity and passing that clear perception along to our world as quickly as we can.  (William Samuel)

To be continued.......

The Beginning

Such a wonder that awaits us, such a wonder that we are right now
We hope and pray, we bargain and beg for peace and a respite
The answer is always here, within, just at the point of the split
Stay here, stay at the beginning just prior to projection and mis-identity.

Understanding projection is the key, ideas leave not their source
Illumination cannot come in any other way, the meaning of sameness
The beginning, stay here, and the Child heart, the Holy Spirit is simply present
Always present, already now, just behind the veil of projection and ‘’otherness”.

Consciousness is the beginning and it is the end, stay here
Stay prior to projection, no past, no future, just now, always now
Alpha and omega, first and last, found in this one place
Where we find the beginning we find the end.

Stay here, in this place that is no place, but a state of mind
A mind of tranquility and equanimity
Stay here; give up the identity that is more than or less than
The Holy Spirit, the Sacred Child is the way-shower, the guide.

The Sacred Heart of us all is found in this place that is no place
Found to be the Light of our very being, always awaiting our conscious return
Giving us all we need to make it up the mountain of understanding
Always holding our hand even while unaware.

We cannot see its face, our real face hidden behind the ego’s veneer
We can be lifted up to the state of mind, the Christ mind
We are always there which is right here, just behind the wall of reason and logic
We go back to the beginning just prior to this wall, this veil of separation and “otherness”.

Lifted up is a concession to words, we are already that which we are seeking
The sacred heart, the holy of holies, the Shekinah, the Heart Space
This is what we find at the beginning and stay there
So we practice understanding the key, and unravel the ego structure, belief by belief.

The undoing or forgiveness can be only an instant away but it takes the child’s credulousness
The child does not live in the past or future, there is only now and the holy instant
The light of the Holy Spirit shines through the ego veil just as the sun appears as the clouds of false belief and conditioning evaporate.

The ego is recalcitrant and its arrogance is beyond our lackadaisical comprehension
We come back week after week, we make the pilgrimage, we are willing
The time has come to find the beginning of all things and stay there
The time has come to realize that we are the Son of God right here, right now.

So what is it that we learn at the beginning of all things, the beginning of time and space?
We learn who and what we are, we learn that we are the innocent child
Always loved and always loving, receiving the Glimpse we are and always sharing it.
We realize that we are That which is prior to the beginning.  We are Home in Eternity.