Imagine with me for a moment a body of water and let’s call it The Ocean of Self Discovery. Let us continue with this thinking and develop the notion that we are a particular wave upon the surface of this body of water.
As we identify as this particular wave, there is the sense, the notion that we are this wave here, and there are others waves there. And there appears to be an almost infinite number of separate waves each distinct from the wave that we believe we are. And all of these other waves also believe that they are different and separate from the rest.
Each wave upon the ocean is claiming, “I am this”, or “I am that”. There are those waves who take pride and are arrogant because they are the largest and the best waves for the surfers of the world. Some waves think that they are better than the surfing waves because they are calm and gentle and allow the small children to play. They scorn the surfing waves with a false humility, thinking that they are inappropriate with their surfing activity. Other waves claim that their variety of wave is the finest or the most holy because of their own particular beliefs and perspectives. And, then there are those who feel unworthy or not good enough because of the opinions or views of some of the other waves.
One day a Wave comes along and speaks to some of the waves, those that are willing to listen, and shares with them that their belief and sense that “I am this wave and I am separate from those other waves over there” is not real; that it is an illusion, a mistaken identity that they have believed themselves to be. “This sense of self is the me-sense, a hypothetical identity superimposed on the Real identity of each wave”, says the One. Most of the waves laugh or scorn this Wave and its perspective and cast all sorts of aspersions at it. “Blasphemer!” accuses the waves of religion; “Nonsense!” from the waves of intellect; “Ridiculous!” cries the waves of all those who are unwilling to surrender the I-concept, the me-sense they believe they are.
But there are those that remain and listen to this Wave as it explains conceptually of their Real Identity and how the mistaken identity is the cause of its prejudices, judgments and suffering. The question is asked by one of the listening waves, “What is the Real Identity and how do I find it?”
The Wave, awakened to the dream of time, matter and the pseudo-identity, makes a statement and asks a question: “When the notion of a personal sense of identity is understood and surrendered (here a little and there a little), the misguided thoughts of being better than, less than, or different than other waves will start to disappear and the answer to your question becomes Self-evident. My question to you is this: “When all definitions, descriptions, labels and beliefs of what a wave is supposed to be or not be or supposed to do or not do is surrendered, what remains? What remains as the Real Identity, the essence of each wave, when size, shape, religion, color, belief, anger and blame are discarded?”
When this is honestly answered and understood, the reason for the ocean, the supposititious identity, and the apparent suffering that seems to take place within ones experience is then understood, and what a wondrous day that is.
Herein lies the mystery and the Truth of who and what We are.
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