There is a Grand Good arriving on the scene. It is really not arriving at all because It is already Here, right now, closer than the breath we take. And we find That which is already here as we become (this is how it seems) more aware of our original nature. The Good that I write about and have found for Myself is not found in our life situations (although grand things seem to happen) but is found as Our Original and Authentic Being. And this Grand Good/Being comes as a Feeling of Joy, Tranquility, Contentment. And this Joy does not disappear in spite of the appearances of evil or what we judge as bad and negative. “A thousand to my left, ten thousand to my right, but no evil shall come to thy dwelling place”.
It is difficult to speak of these things and when I do I am accused of being naïve, unrealistic, too childlike, or I have my head buried in the sand. On the contrary, I am more alive and peaceful than ever before and I am willing to give my blood and dollars to those that need it.
Allow me a metaphor:
Imagine what a caterpillar experiences as it is breaking out of its cocoon on its journey of becoming a butterfly. As a caterpillar, it only knows its experience from its limited point of view. It knows about the leaf it lives on and perhaps a whole tree. But what does it know of the forest and flowers that live outside its limited viewing point? And once the caterpillar enters the cocoon stage, it enters a dark and scary place. It is presumed that a caterpillar does not think or feel, but please, allow me metaphor. All metaphors break down, but I believe this one makes a good point.
In that darkness, the caterpillar might even call the experience evil, certainly threatening and there is uncertainty about the future. And then the struggle and fear continues as the caterpillar starts to break through and out of the cocoon. But oh, that grand day arrives, the day good arrives on the scene as the caterpillar breaks through the cocoon existence and behold, the butterfly emerges and is on the scene. The winged Butterfly now becomes aware of Something marvelous that could not be seen from the caterpillar’s limited point of view as it travels from flower to flower almost unlimited with Its new point of view. The Butterfly with all its beauty and new experiences knows what no other caterpillar knows and yet also knows that each caterpillar will experience the same Event. If the Butterfly went back to the other caterpillars to tell of this Wonderful and Good Event that is about to arrive, it would be shunned and possibly stoned.
How do you tell of such things? How do you tell of the Wonder and Joy that is spread over the whole face of the land, but men perceiveth It not? How does one tell that the evil in the world is perfect just the way it is and that it is part of a Grand plan of Awakening and that it is Man’s recalcitrance and arrogance that causes the evil in the first place? It may look like it comes from some insane group of people, and yes, we must not allow such people to act this way, but for me I realize that man is a single identity about the business of breaking out into a new day. And, behold, I look upon a new-found world with new-found eyes.
There is a Grand Good awakening and just like childbirth, there are the birth pangs and contractions that precede the birth of the child. There is a Child that is birthing, a new Consciousness, the Soul of Man. Watch and see. It isn’t long until the Light of God is made evident for all Mankind.
I am not talking about some religious bull or airy fairy new age nonsense. I am talking about man returning within to his Heart and finding Himself/Herself more than just a human, but a Soul and Spirit. We find that we are not a human being having a spiritual experience but a Spirit having a human experience. We find that we have always been the Winged Butterfly but have fallen asleep and the process of awakening sometimes seems dreadful and frightening.
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