Our minds are conditioned to look at the world and see the evidence that we live in a world of pain and suffering. Every day, we can read the headlines about this war or that one. We see our friends and/or family growing older, getting sick and some coming to the end of their days, what we call death. There are economic challenges, political bickering, religious disorder and just more of the same, day in and day out.
Many of us are walking around trying to make ends meet or we are suffering from one dilemma or another. We are struggling with our relationships, our jobs, our health, our spiritual journey, etc. trying to stay in control either defending our positions or attacking the positions of others. All in the name of what is “right and justified”.
That is how it seems to the mind that is stuck at the plateau on the mountain of understanding; the plateau that says this world is real and I am no more than a body, born in time and will die in time.
The “great necessity” remains ever the same; it calls for a change of mind, a new interpretation, a willingness to let go of the old beliefs that we must struggle in search for the happiness that we all so earnestly desire. It is all grist for the mill, the opportunity to learn the lessons we are here to learn.
The anger is building, no one can deny that. What hasn’t been realized is the insanity and our mis-interpretation of what this world is really all about. What is our true purpose, why are we here? This is the question that we must come to understand if we are to find the happiness that lies within. I know these words will be ignored by many, just as I did in years gone by. I also know if I write them well enough, perhaps there will be a few who will pause and say, perhaps there is a better way.
In the end, we will all wake up to the truth that we are not at the effect of others. Cause and effect must be reversed so we can learn the simplicity of non-judging. We will find this reversal of cause and effect and the miracles it brings difficult in the beginning because we have been conditioned by others and ourselves to stay invested and attached to our positions of being right, in being in control, and being the authority. We can live this discipline and find ourselves victorious. It can be done; I know this to be true because I have found a measure of the peace and joy that such a discipline uncovers. This change of mind is done layer upon layer as we dismantle the old beliefs that are so firmly entrenched.
The reversing of cause and effect is simply this: we take ownership for the way that we feel and stop playing the victim. We take the first steps on faith and with a child’s simple trust. We become willing to stop believing that we feel the way we do because of what is happening to us by outside events, even our own body that we have mis-identified with. We are much more than the body. We will never uncover and re-discover our “authentic Identity” if we continue looking at the world and the people in it as separate from ourselves.
This reversal speaks to us taking this new position; that my world appears the way it does because of what I am believing and thinking. Our actions always out-picture our unconscious beliefs.
Much of what we believe is veiled; covering the darkness that we have come to believe is real. I look out the window and it is a cloudy day. The sun is there and once the clouds are vaporized, the sun is seen as it is. As we undo our egoic strategy of judgment and guilt, whether they are for others or for ourselves, we will feel a shift in our consciousness. Our minds will become quieter and in that space where ego’s chatter (If only it was this way or that, if only he or she would act differently, and all the myriad ways the story of blame and shame is projected and acted out) was once non-stop, we will find the stillness that is always present.
I call this Place the Sacred Heart, the holy of holies, The Child. You may call it whatever you wish. Some speak of it as the Higher Power, God. The names do not matter. What is important is that we shift our attention from seeking love and tranquility outside ourselves to finding it on the inside. The love we see, the happiness we long for is always within. Your journey and the living of this discipline will unfold in ways you cannot even imagine. Once we find the love within then we will be amazed, it will be a wonder, because we will witness that very love and happiness on the outside, and no longer will we judge by appearances.
We are eternal Being(s) having a human experience. Our purpose, as it has been shown to me, is to complete the transaction and then to share the glimpse with our world. We make the divine exchange, which is the letting go of the ego identification, reborn, so to speak, into the new Recognition, the Divine Being we always are. First, we Find The Sacred Spirit, The Child, and then we identify As that more and more. Return to that holy space continually as often as can be remembered. This is the Real Sanctuary and Altar of God. Herein lies the Peace that is sought.
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