It is most important to understand the face of the ego, if you want to see and know the Face of Christ, the Face of Love. To look only at mind’s projection, understanding its cause (guilt) is only half of the forgiveness lesson. There is no need for much analysis. It is but the false image that the ego-mind protects, defends and justifies with all sorts of strategies.
We must Feel and understand the lie we are believing and living, this lie of unworthiness and littleness. It is this illusion of guilt, this “liar from the beginning” that is brought into the inner chamber of the heart. It is here where we ask for the change of mind and live the Divine alchemy. When we see for ourselves that the short-term pain of 'looking', 'feeling', and 'understanding' the imagined guilt is just not worth the long term pain of not looking, we become more than just willing to bring our illusions to the truth. I remember when I was in the suffering of ego addiction of varied kinds, I finally said, “I would rather be dead than not know the truth”. I went through a process where I came face to face with my own mortality.
I was willing to die, literally. You do not need to go through such extremes. Learn for yourself, the bigger the lesson (the harder it is to look at and feel for yourself the suffering), the greater the Gift will be received when your hiding has come to an end; the Gift of Peace, serenity and self-acceptance leading to Self-realization. May you be blessed with a big lesson. They come in all shades and colors. What is a large lesson to one may be a small lesson to another; what is small to one may be large to the other. Get through the Big one and all the other lessons remaining will be easier to bring to the Light of Truth. It is a grand start to the end of the ego and suffering. For those who are working the practice, continue, leaving nothing uncovered. All along the way we embrace the truth by feeling into the Love-Heart-Space. This is what we learn to do more and more as we exchange the old, worn out mis-perception of self into the New (really not new at all), Vibrant and Radiant Joy of Being.
Happiness is a state of mind. It is our Natural Condition. Godspeed and much love to you all.
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