Every child who comes upon a prism discovers the “magic”, the play and enjoyment of light passing through as the child moves the prism side to side, up and down allowing for the light of the sun to shine through, dancing on the wall and ceiling.
All metaphors break down; they are only an illustration, a pointer to the Original Glimpse (Idea) from whence the illustration is written. So, please go gentle with these words and listen to them with the Heart of yourself in childlike simplicity. This metaphor is not new, you have most likely heard this and pondered this for yourself. Perhaps, there can be a “new” hearing, as we let go the me-sense that would try to make sense of these words through the filter of the intellect and the screen of reason and logic.
Imagine with me for a few moments that Heart (Mind) of God is like a prism: pure, pristine, the Very Light That is Very God Itself. Now, in your mind’s eye, imagine this Light shining through Itself, The Heart of God creating, extending Itself As Self-Knowing (Being) the Son of God, Christ, The Child of God.
This illustration points to God’s Creative extending and extension of Itself Beholding the Timeless, Eternal Creative Activity Of God; As Heart (Prism) Shining (Light); As the Divine Spectrum of The Rays of Light. Oneness, Beingness, Love.
Each Ineffable Ray Identical With Each Other, Indivisible, Undivided. It is the Light That Is GodMind that Radiates ITSELF As The Rays of Itself, Self of Itself. It is At this Place The Heart Can Say, ‘This Is The Creation I AM’. It is In and With this Light of Understanding That the Statement is Announced: the Rays are One With God and are the Light of God. Synergistically, God is greater than the sum of Its Rays. “I and my Father are one, but my Father is greater than Me”, said the Carpenter who walked the Galilee two thousand years ago identifying as Light Itself.
The Rising of the Mist and Its Undoing:
As for This Experience I am, having found myself The Child and recognizing that Everyman is Such This One, I have realized that The Divine Purpose for each Child of God, once the husk of self-concept arises, covers, and hides the Light of Self-Being is to Once again Return to Original Mind and Self-Knowing. It is to Live not only in the Meadow but to Know Awareness as the Meadow of Mind. The Meadow is The Supernal, Ineffable Being of Happiness (Bliss), Existence and Love. It is to live in this world free of fear and guilt. It is to live in this world sharing the good news with the “others” that appear within this Subjective experience.
The Self of Being, The Very Radiance of God and the conscious Recognition of Self as Divine Happiness is only apparently hidden from conscious recognition. Self, having identified as separate, different, other than, less than, guilty, and believing in the scarcity of Allness, has grown into a mis-Identity, fictitious self, with total forgetting of Who and What Identity-I Really Is. This ego-self is an identity that has shrunk from All to the contraction and mis-identification as a point in time and space that unconsciously lives out of the belief of littleness and the need to defend a false image that grows out of fear and guilt.
With the determination to find the Truth for oneself, what God really Is and Who and what Identity Really is, each Child of God, Each Ray of God’s Brilliant and Radiant Being starts the journey and adventure of a lifetime(s).
This treatise is written to the Child heart within each reader. The Purpose (behind all purposes) and the Reason (behind all reasons) that you are reading these words is to understand that the reader can and will Find, Become and Have the Experience of Prosperity of Mind (consistent ever-present peace, Happiness and Love) if you earnestly let go the false notion that you have to do something to be Happiness Itself. It is only a matter of letting go of; and not getting (seeking for something outside oneself for the happiness and love that is already within and as one’s Real Self). There can be and will be a transformation and transfiguration when the spurious self is self-forgotten, self-surrendered and self-transcended.
All along the pathway of Return, we shed the false notion of self and exchange it with the Divine Child Identity that is our Authentic Self and is the Experience and Condition of unceasing Happiness. This shedding has been called the death of the ego. It is really no death at all but a conversion so to speak from the false and spiritually immature notion of what one believes he or she is, into the Truth of Oneself and God. Behind this fictitious self, always guiding, comforting and counseling is the Child Identity waiting to be birthed into the awareness you are; birthed into the world of perception. Birthed and recognized, always present awaiting our call, awaiting our acceptance of the invitation.
The Awareness we are comes to perceive and know that Identity is Light and Love. We awaken in The Meadow and realize that the belief and perceiving of separation need not be, all boundaries of a you and your world gently, patiently, lovingly undone. We are born into the Realization of What We Are having let go of all “is not’s” that delineate the Real.
The mist that arose as the consciousness of separation upon the Divine Waters of Awareness has only been a myth, never has it been true; merely a seeming, making plain (Obvious And Most Profoundly) Love’s Presence.
We are God’s Divine Prism, The Heart of Love. The blessing to be found and lived is this: Anything but peace of mind is a (The) sign that we have been mis-perceiving. The Experience of Radical Freedom can only be found Within and As oneself by first finding and “seeing” It in the world of Self/self-perception. The Child Heart is Everyone and Everything. The Light of Everything and Everyone is the Child Heart. God’s Light and Love are Present, and only This Is.
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