As one begins and lives the journey in time, and walks the path of return, it becomes more and more apparent that life is a metaphor, our own story of remembrance. Life is “our” story of the return to freedom and the end of bondage. There is the historical story of Moses and his climb up the mountain of revelation, receiving the revelation that where he stands is holy ground; he comes down the mountain and brings the Hebrews out of Egypt , out of bondage and slavery, with the message of giving up all idols and making only God the only God. He tries like hell to share the good news. There is the story of Jesus, and his temptations, he had his mountain time too. He came down from the peak of his mountain, free of temptation to believe that which is not true is true and then began his ministry, the sharing of the good news to his subjective world. He tried like hell and gave the extreme example. Throughout linear time, in all cultures, whether Native American, Toltec, Egyptian, there are the stories of redemption and return. Jesus and his instruction, called the Course in Miracles, is the example, the way to Find. This is a Wisdom teaching. It is a guide to help the reader to find the Same. His Easter story is the story of return. His time on the cross was and is no longer necessary. It is done. That story is ours.
We need but die each moment to the belief that we are the body. We find that which never really occurred in Reality and we live this Awakening in the world by sharing the good news. This is just what the course says. To have All, give all. To have peace, give peace. What is it that the reader wants? What is the Purpose of Life? What is everything really for? Find this for yourself. Commit and move beyond willingness. Be gentle with yourselves, be patient, and know all that you truly ask for and believe in your heart cannot but come true. The mystery is uncovered, found for ourselves; the outside story is the reader’s story. My story is your story. It is all the same. There is only one Self. We listen to the guides along the way. The honest guide is the one that tells you that the Guide without is always the guide within. Your very own Self is leading the way for you and in the end, you find yourself That.
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