Tuesday, April 3, 2012

The Meadow - from Awakening in the Meadow, 2006

We awaken as The Child in The Meadow and we clap our hands with joy and celebration. We look upon The Meadow with the eyes of innocence, compassion, imagination and spontaneity. We leap from flower to flower with excitement, enthusiasm and anticipation of the next joy we are to discover.

We are always in The Meadow, albeit not consciously. We realize The Meadow when we awaken from the dream of mortality, from the dream that we are a man or a woman, that we are this body. We awaken from the sense and concept of a "me" that would play the role of possessor of awareness.

The Meadow has been called heaven on earth. It has been called The Kingdom within and without, the Garden of Eden. It is our home, right here and now as we live as a tangible point of Light. The Meadow is the Place where the adult of us has found The Child and lives with childlikeness. We live with credulousness knowing that we are attended to and taken care of. It is here that we live the Divine Discipline, the Equation, and we live as the Subjective Witness and Witnessing. Yes, we eat, sleep, and tend to the body. We still go to the bathroom, take a poop and brush our teeth. We still earn a living. But we earn this living with less stress, strain and concern. We earn our living with joy and love in our hearts; with gentleness because our work becomes part of the Equation.

The Meadow is the living Equation. We look and see that life is the Equation in action. The Equation is the Transaction of giving and receiving that we complete at the point of the Interface between the inside and the outside. The Equation is found throughout nature. Look at a tree. It starts as a seed and the seed gives a small giving of itself, the first giving in the form of a rootlet to the earth, and the earth responds with its giving of nourishment back to the seed. The seed then gives a second time as it sends a stem of itself upward toward the sky. The sky responds with its gift of light to the stem and seed. The branches and leaves form, the tree grows, and gives of itself back to the sky in the form of oxygen and a place where squirrels and birds can build their nests. And the universe continues to give of its light and nourishment for the ongoing prosperity of the tree.

"Give unto Caesar what is Caesar's and give unto God what is God's". (Jesus)
Just so, The Child we are lives the Equation. We give to our Subjective world our tangible substance and we receive back from our world the supply that we seem to need. This means that we give the bag of potatoes to the hungry, and we clothe and give shelter to those who need our help. For as it has been said, "As we give to others, so shall it be given unto us". For when we give to our "others" we give to our Subjective Self.  And because the tangible substance we give is Love in action, that love is returned with more Glimpses of Light and Love. Just like the seed, there is a second giving that we do. It is the giving back of these glimpses of Light to our subjective world. And as we do this we receive more glimpses, more light, more joy. Once again we can see the balance and equation of a two that are a single one. We give our gifts both tangibly and spiritually and receive our gifts both tangibly and spiritually. "One cannot know this is a marvel to do until he has done it and lived it so. This is a Self-protected secret." (Bill Samuel, The Child Within Us Lives).

The Meadow is also the Place where we learn to live as Unjudging Awareness. We let go of blame, guilt, labeling and arrogance. We let go of playing the victim and victimizer. We come back to childlike simplicity and innocence. How do we find The Meadow, how do we find That which is already here spread over the whole land, but men perceive it not? It is right here where we already are, but it is veiled, like the clouds which cover the present moon that can't be seen. How do I explain in words that which is beyond words and concepts? How do I use words to describe that which cannot be seen with the eye nor heard with the ear? I can point to the moon, but the finger and the pointing are not it. It can only be discerned and intuited with The Heart of us, The Child of us. Jesus said: "I will give you what eye has not seen and what ear has not heard and what hand has not touched and what has not arisen in the heart of man." (The Gospel According To Thomas)

The Meadow is the linear experience, the sequential unfolding of That which is Timeless and Nameless as it appears in time and space, measured, described and named.

"The name that can be named is not the eternal name.
The nameless is the beginning of heaven and earth.
The named is the mother of ten thousand things.
Ever desireless, one can see the mystery.
Ever desiring, one can see the manifestations."
(Lao Tsu, Tao Te Ching)

How does one go about describing the Ineffable which is beyond reason and logic? We can only find The Child and The Meadow when we undo the clouds that veil the Presence already at hand. And that veil is the me-sense, the possessor of awareness. The Meadow is the Promised Land. It is here and now. The Light of The Meadow shines through because The Meadow is the Light of God. The glimpse of Light grows brighter, The Meadow becomes clearer and It becomes more evident and obvious until one day we say, "This is It". I am The Child living in The Meadow. The Light of The Meadow is the Glimpse and the glimpse is The Child emerging from The Meadow. The Glimpse breaks through the shell, the hardened crust of the "old man", the me-sense, the one who is searching for that which is already his birthright and inheritance. It is life more abundant.

"Let me tell you a paradox," Han said to the soldier. "The world in which we awaken each morning is not the Real World. It is an image of the Real. But those who know the world is an image of the Real, wake up in the Real World every day. This is a paradox and it is the truth." (Bill Samuel, The Child Within Us Lives).

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