Saturday, March 31, 2012

The Child's Vision for Easter

When we have forgiven in actual living fact, (our self and all selves, this world and all worlds) our dreaming mind, and not in metaphysical abstraction and profession, then we have peeled away the layers of the egoistic onion, from nothingness to nothingness to be consciously aware of our true Identity, Son of God.  As we stand atop the Ladder of Forgiveness and have ended the dream of seeking to be special in the world, with our old self made into this nothingness, the gap between one holy instant and another has disappeared, with past and future but a fiction.  Self-Identity transcends (and is resurrected from the belief of) the body/mind and its reflected ignorance, and our Original State is realized, never guilty, never unworthy, and never fallen from Grace.

As the lessons of forgiveness are practiced, (undoing the false sense of Self), lesson by lesson with Childlike anticipation and happy expectations that the Light of Happiness and Freedom will be Self-revealed as the already present Truth of Being, there is the comprehension that all events in our linear, space/time sojourn have been and are the Good that has been necessary to bring us consciously into the certainty and fullness of Truth, God, the Ineffable.  The Child is the Heart of God, the Invisible Being of Love, completing the interface with the tangible world and lives as the Balance bodily.  The Child is home in God, all the while living and tending to Its world of people, places and things.  As the Carpenter of Galilee said over two thousand years ago, “I am in the world, but not of it.” 

I write these words making no claim, dear God, making no claim that I have overcome the mighty mountain of illusion, but I do write as I have been shown, taken, and proven for myself.  

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Magical Mirror

A magical mirror, peering into it, seeing all the myriad forms
A tree, a bee, a meadow of flowers, a field of war
Laughing, crying, grief, sadness and joy
What is believed gives meaning to it all.

Evidence, is that what you want?
Is it not evidence that you see,
Reflected, pointing to the inner desire
Of a mind that is cause?

Responsibility for sight, surrendering, relinquishing
Going within, radiance, transcendence
Seeking and finding, undoing, forgiveness
Light supernal, just behind the veil.

Innocence, love, power and strength
Intuited, felt, discovered and true
Body electric, machine of perception
What is perceived is up to you.

Mind, identity, false or true
Mirrored, lived, scarcity or abundance
Prosperity of mind, or mind of death
It is only a point of view.

So peer we do, nothing else is done
Viewing and being, defining or not
We reach a point, nothing to do
Just be the Light and the Joy for all of You!

The Tree I See is the Tree I Be

Upon the surface of my mind, appears you and me
It seems as if we are two, but only One is really here
Beyond the mind and yet aware in the dream
We awaken to the Self that is beyond and yet appears right here.

The tree I see is the tree I be
It is the same with thee
All images are within awareness; even more
The whole universe is the body of Me and Thee.

No longer beholden to right and wrong
Free to laugh, skip and sing my song
The Sacred Heart Song is the song Love sings
The sameself Love being You and Me.

You and Me, one Life, One Song
Both notes and also The Melody
Labels no more, paradox resolved
We live as Life and All is One.

What is it that you want?
Really what is that you want?
Are you willing to be nothing in the world?
So that You can be All. Herein lies the mystery of Peace.

Self Reflection vs self reflection

Mind and its self-awareness appears in time beholding its many images in Self recognition. Its living is the observation of Itself with and as its many qualities and attributes such as Love, Freedom and Happiness. Awareness beholds its Selfhood images and knows it is but Its own reflection. The reflection is never It but the appearance of Itself, just as a map is never the territory itself, the notes on the sheet of paper are not the music, but that which allows the music to be played. The universe is the sequential unfolding of Itself into the myriad beings and forms that confirm Itself as
All Being. One Life, one Awareness in the play and creation of infinite Being.

The alternative to the above top down view, is that we, as Awareness, view life and all that appears through the eyes of a contracted mind, limited by a false sense of self. A self amongst billions of other selves, each self different and separate, with the need to defend, justify and attack all others who would appear to threaten its position and point of view.

The first view is a view of Freedom, Love and Happiness. One Self, One God, One Heart in the play of Self-appreciation and confirmation. The second view is a view of scarcity, guilt, fear and punishment. These are the days, and the time is always now, that awareness, as attention, can be brought more and more to the strength, power and truth of mind that we are, and our mind can and will be changed and undone of all its false notions of who and what we are. This strength, power and truth is our original nature, our heritage and birthright from the very beginning. We, as we experience time and space, are the dreamer, the dreaming and the dreamed. It can be a dream of hell or the happy dream of Self-recognition. The choice is always ours to make, and of this there is no other choice.

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Questions on Healing From a Friend


Questions:  We are always healed with another?  Healing is?
Just wondering what you get as the current speaking of the axiom, “we are never healed alone”.

Love and light,

Good morning brother,

I appreciate your questions. It affords me the opportunity to string these words together:

From the Top down view: Awareness, Identity is pure subjectivity. Whatever is perceived is but our own Self/self-image. As awareness awakens (healing) unto its Real Identity, It looks into and unto the screen of consciousness (Itself) and sees all “others” as Itself. Healing
is the undoing of mis-perception, no longer seeing through the eyes of limitation, guilt and separation. “Others” are but our own selfhood images. There are no others and so all healing that seems to occur “out there” is but the healing of split-mind awakening to pure subjectivity. Awareness is God’s Self-Observation viewing Its qualities and attributes.

From the Bottom up view: As we retrace our steps back to the beginning, where we meet the end (alpha and omega) along the way
as we climb the mountain of understanding, it appears as if there are many minds that are dreaming an objective world of their own making. Each mind is seemingly contracted via the belief of limitation, guilt, separation, fear etc. identified with and as a body. It is at this stage of awakening that “we are never healed alone” is relevant, so to speak. It is here that we conceive the concept that all minds are joined by means of the Divine Imprint, The Holy Spirit, The Child, call it by whatever name. It is here that we speak of the interconnectedness of the universe. Another fine concept is that we live in a holographic universe, where every part includes every part of every part to infinity. Every mind is within every other mind. Circles within circles within circles. So it is that as each part (mind) is healed, a synergistic event is continually occurring. Being connected, each part of every part synergistically participates in the dance of wholeness. These concepts are the means by which we can understand that the separation never occurred; that the universe of duality is really the objectification (dream) of Pure Subjectivity, Divine Awareness.

The final position, which is no position at all: The dream of healing is Self-confirmation that the Truth of Being (Love, Freedom, Guiltlessness) is true. All “others” (images) appearing on the screen of Self/self-observation are but evidence of what mind is believing and creating. As “others” (mind) appear to heal, I say thank you Father, what is unbelievable is really True. I am your Son and I am You. Such wonder and mystery surely does passeth conceptual understanding.

I hope my words have been clear and I thank you for your question. Your question is really my own and so I answer to myself. Only one Self is on the scene.

Let me know what you think and if this has been helpful. I wish to get all this straight and if these words have a “hearing” behind them, it is confirmation for me that I am indeed doing that. It is in this way that we are never healed alone. We do it together, you and me. We get our story straight and we “see” our world following in time confirming the “good news,” We are the Child of God, Innocent and Free, God’s Love is what We Be. I love thee.

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Our Native Disposition

Look not unto each other for the happiness that is wished for, happiness will never be found there. Look not unto each other for the love that is so earnestly sought, love will never be found there. Look not unto each other for the security and safety that seems to be necessary, they will not be found there either. Yes, indeed, as the world would define happiness, as it defines love, security and safety, a measure of these will be found in the world of otherness. But these are not the real love and happiness, not the real security and safety that are found as one's own Self fulfillment and Identity. They are not the Everlasting and always present Presence that is our birthright and inheritance. Until we are willing to make no exception that only Love is real, willing to make no exception knowing that we can change our mind in each and every situation and see only the innocence of every being, we will live on the swinging pendulum of seeking pleasure and avoiding pain. We will be like the tides of an ocean never still, always on the move, seeking for stillness but never finding it.

The stillness and peace of mind that we are seeking is found in the Child's willingness to believe that Love, happiness, security and safety are right here, right now, the Truth of Identity. It is uncovered in our willingness to choose to listen to the voice of the Child (Holy Spirit) We are. We make no exceptions and give no value to any image, any form, that seems to appear in our time space experience. The only purpose of this dream world experience is to offer to "others" what it is that we want to find for and as ourselves. We come to recognize and know that only innocence is before us as other and self. We learn and then discern that only one Self Is. This is the practice that we return to over and over again, seeing only the Good/God/Innocence in Everything until it becomes our way of being.  And then we behold in amazement and gratitude that It is True, by God, It is true, and the practice of many years starts to disappear and becomes our native disposition and the Way of The Child. With grace, and as the grace of God, we arrive and find that which we were seeking has always been here as our Self.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

The Golden Circle of Atonement

How absolutely marvelous brothers (sisters) to see how the experience of one point of light that seems to experience sickness and the ongoing support of encouragement offered by “others” can grow into such wonderful words shared by all. One glimpse shared and another received, and another and another in the unending dance of Love’s extending. The events of one and the love offered by “others” affect meaningfully the whole ongoingness of mind and its "return" to Self-remembrance. We write our glimpses and glimmers to each other, we tell of the good news that Peace is already the Fact. Identity has never and can never be anything but Innocent and Free. We live the Divine Equation and watch the community of Children grow into something most wonderful and glorious. First one kernel of corn pops and then another, then another and another and before long, we have a profusion of popcorn on the scene. So too, does the Community of God Children grow into That which Already Is. One by one, we join and complete the golden circle of atonement. As we do (undo) for the awareness we are, the entire selfhood is embraced and the chains of forgetfulness and fear are sundered as the one illusory mind awakens from its dream. We give thanks for the great Reflection of Truth’s Presence. We continue to look for the good (god) in everything and divinely ignore the false evidence to the contrary, sometimes with great tenacity and endurance. We do it, by God we do it and we climb the ladder of Self-remembrance, one hand upwards to God and the other hand outstretched to our brothers that appear on the rungs of time below. Only in time, only in time does it seem that difference appears and that the Child has a special function in the process of atonement. While all this is going on, the Glorious and radiant Self is untouched by the vicissitudes of life, always present as The Child within, our guide and comforter as we relinquish control and the desire to be the authority on the scene. We no longer battle and resist anything that arises. We become grateful as the Light grows brighter and brighter in our mind as the veil of mis-identification is disappeared. We have returned to the beginning, repeatedly, retracing our steps, making the ego into the nothing that it is. We come to thank the ego mind for its good service of delineating the Truth of Being. We resist nothing. We have found the Balance of Being Home and appearing here in the Theatre of time and space, being the Function we Are.

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Letter to a Friend Regarding Sickness and a Spiritual Journey

It can be difficult to keep attention on Identity as the screen of consciousness where the body and illness appear and not identify with and as the body and its appearing sickness. Where do fear and sickness appear but on the screen of awareness and certainly not to Awareness Itself. Awareness is free and immaculate. It is only the body that appears sick or fearful. This appearance of sickness delineates the Health and Wonder of Identity. Watch carefully how the ego mind will interpret this sickness as a means for Identity to become distracted and attached to the thought that something is not right or we must be doing something wrong; we really are guilty or this would not be happening. All this leads to the conscious or mostly unconscious belief that we are not good enough and the spiral of confusion and ego-based lies is in a double loop with no apparent escape. (We are guilty so this happens/this happens so we must be guilty). The only thing not right is the wrong-minded ego thought system of non-acceptance and projection of guilt.

I love you brother and I support you with no distance between us. Use this time as an opportunity to turn to the Child within and ask to see all this through the eyes of innocence. Keep going back to the things you do that brings you to The Child’s Meadow. This present experience of illness is an opportunity to go deeper to the Truth of Thee. It is the call to let go and surrender even further to the Heart of Identity; to let go another layer of self-judgment and guilt. Contemplate and consider this for yourself. Find the loving embrace and release from self judgment and all thoughts or wrongness. Thank you Father for this opportunity and gift to see the Truth of me, the Real of me. Be the Child you are in spite of the ego’s determination to have you believe in sickness and separation. You are not the body, you are free, you are this instant as God created You. Bring a sense of humor to the whole situation. Let us laugh at the ego’s attempt to hide the Real Identity We Be. Let us sing and rejoice, and tell ourselves of the good news. We are Free, we are Innocent. We are the dreamer and the dreaming of this dream. We are not the body that is healthy or sick that appears in the dream. Let us give up both sides of the illusory field of opposites. Identity I transcends the body and yet includes the body as the means or learning device to Self-discovery. Call forth the Child (Holy Spirit) and ask to see all this through Her Sacred Eyes. She will bring you to The Child’s Meadow once again.

I am with you always. Peace, Love and Happy Expectations for Self-Discovery, my dear friend and brother.