Tuesday, March 20, 2012

The Golden Circle of Atonement

How absolutely marvelous brothers (sisters) to see how the experience of one point of light that seems to experience sickness and the ongoing support of encouragement offered by “others” can grow into such wonderful words shared by all. One glimpse shared and another received, and another and another in the unending dance of Love’s extending. The events of one and the love offered by “others” affect meaningfully the whole ongoingness of mind and its "return" to Self-remembrance. We write our glimpses and glimmers to each other, we tell of the good news that Peace is already the Fact. Identity has never and can never be anything but Innocent and Free. We live the Divine Equation and watch the community of Children grow into something most wonderful and glorious. First one kernel of corn pops and then another, then another and another and before long, we have a profusion of popcorn on the scene. So too, does the Community of God Children grow into That which Already Is. One by one, we join and complete the golden circle of atonement. As we do (undo) for the awareness we are, the entire selfhood is embraced and the chains of forgetfulness and fear are sundered as the one illusory mind awakens from its dream. We give thanks for the great Reflection of Truth’s Presence. We continue to look for the good (god) in everything and divinely ignore the false evidence to the contrary, sometimes with great tenacity and endurance. We do it, by God we do it and we climb the ladder of Self-remembrance, one hand upwards to God and the other hand outstretched to our brothers that appear on the rungs of time below. Only in time, only in time does it seem that difference appears and that the Child has a special function in the process of atonement. While all this is going on, the Glorious and radiant Self is untouched by the vicissitudes of life, always present as The Child within, our guide and comforter as we relinquish control and the desire to be the authority on the scene. We no longer battle and resist anything that arises. We become grateful as the Light grows brighter and brighter in our mind as the veil of mis-identification is disappeared. We have returned to the beginning, repeatedly, retracing our steps, making the ego into the nothing that it is. We come to thank the ego mind for its good service of delineating the Truth of Being. We resist nothing. We have found the Balance of Being Home and appearing here in the Theatre of time and space, being the Function we Are.

1 comment:

  1. You capitalize the word Innocence. Wonderful! Been reading about how children's innocence have been stolen in Cambodia by sex tourists and poverty. Understanding the spiritual intact nature of Innocence opened up the understanding of the Child which I could not understand when I read it a couple of years ago.

