Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Questions on Healing From a Friend


Questions:  We are always healed with another?  Healing is?
Just wondering what you get as the current speaking of the axiom, “we are never healed alone”.

Love and light,

Good morning brother,

I appreciate your questions. It affords me the opportunity to string these words together:

From the Top down view: Awareness, Identity is pure subjectivity. Whatever is perceived is but our own Self/self-image. As awareness awakens (healing) unto its Real Identity, It looks into and unto the screen of consciousness (Itself) and sees all “others” as Itself. Healing
is the undoing of mis-perception, no longer seeing through the eyes of limitation, guilt and separation. “Others” are but our own selfhood images. There are no others and so all healing that seems to occur “out there” is but the healing of split-mind awakening to pure subjectivity. Awareness is God’s Self-Observation viewing Its qualities and attributes.

From the Bottom up view: As we retrace our steps back to the beginning, where we meet the end (alpha and omega) along the way
as we climb the mountain of understanding, it appears as if there are many minds that are dreaming an objective world of their own making. Each mind is seemingly contracted via the belief of limitation, guilt, separation, fear etc. identified with and as a body. It is at this stage of awakening that “we are never healed alone” is relevant, so to speak. It is here that we conceive the concept that all minds are joined by means of the Divine Imprint, The Holy Spirit, The Child, call it by whatever name. It is here that we speak of the interconnectedness of the universe. Another fine concept is that we live in a holographic universe, where every part includes every part of every part to infinity. Every mind is within every other mind. Circles within circles within circles. So it is that as each part (mind) is healed, a synergistic event is continually occurring. Being connected, each part of every part synergistically participates in the dance of wholeness. These concepts are the means by which we can understand that the separation never occurred; that the universe of duality is really the objectification (dream) of Pure Subjectivity, Divine Awareness.

The final position, which is no position at all: The dream of healing is Self-confirmation that the Truth of Being (Love, Freedom, Guiltlessness) is true. All “others” (images) appearing on the screen of Self/self-observation are but evidence of what mind is believing and creating. As “others” (mind) appear to heal, I say thank you Father, what is unbelievable is really True. I am your Son and I am You. Such wonder and mystery surely does passeth conceptual understanding.

I hope my words have been clear and I thank you for your question. Your question is really my own and so I answer to myself. Only one Self is on the scene.

Let me know what you think and if this has been helpful. I wish to get all this straight and if these words have a “hearing” behind them, it is confirmation for me that I am indeed doing that. It is in this way that we are never healed alone. We do it together, you and me. We get our story straight and we “see” our world following in time confirming the “good news,” We are the Child of God, Innocent and Free, God’s Love is what We Be. I love thee.

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