Mind and its self-awareness appears in time beholding its many images in Self recognition. Its living is the observation of Itself with and as its many qualities and attributes such as Love, Freedom and Happiness. Awareness beholds its Selfhood images and knows it is but Its own reflection. The reflection is never It but the appearance of Itself, just as a map is never the territory itself, the notes on the sheet of paper are not the music, but that which allows the music to be played. The universe is the sequential unfolding of Itself into the myriad beings and forms that confirm Itself as
All Being. One Life, one Awareness in the play and creation of infinite Being.
The alternative to the above top down view, is that we, as Awareness, view life and all that appears through the eyes of a contracted mind, limited by a false sense of self. A self amongst billions of other selves, each self different and separate, with the need to defend, justify and attack all others who would appear to threaten its position and point of view.
The first view is a view of Freedom, Love and Happiness. One Self, One God, One Heart in the play of Self-appreciation and confirmation. The second view is a view of scarcity, guilt, fear and punishment. These are the days, and the time is always now, that awareness, as attention, can be brought more and more to the strength, power and truth of mind that we are, and our mind can and will be changed and undone of all its false notions of who and what we are. This strength, power and truth is our original nature, our heritage and birthright from the very beginning. We, as we experience time and space, are the dreamer, the dreaming and the dreamed. It can be a dream of hell or the happy dream of Self-recognition. The choice is always ours to make, and of this there is no other choice.
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