Sunday, March 18, 2012

Letter to a Friend Regarding Sickness and a Spiritual Journey

It can be difficult to keep attention on Identity as the screen of consciousness where the body and illness appear and not identify with and as the body and its appearing sickness. Where do fear and sickness appear but on the screen of awareness and certainly not to Awareness Itself. Awareness is free and immaculate. It is only the body that appears sick or fearful. This appearance of sickness delineates the Health and Wonder of Identity. Watch carefully how the ego mind will interpret this sickness as a means for Identity to become distracted and attached to the thought that something is not right or we must be doing something wrong; we really are guilty or this would not be happening. All this leads to the conscious or mostly unconscious belief that we are not good enough and the spiral of confusion and ego-based lies is in a double loop with no apparent escape. (We are guilty so this happens/this happens so we must be guilty). The only thing not right is the wrong-minded ego thought system of non-acceptance and projection of guilt.

I love you brother and I support you with no distance between us. Use this time as an opportunity to turn to the Child within and ask to see all this through the eyes of innocence. Keep going back to the things you do that brings you to The Child’s Meadow. This present experience of illness is an opportunity to go deeper to the Truth of Thee. It is the call to let go and surrender even further to the Heart of Identity; to let go another layer of self-judgment and guilt. Contemplate and consider this for yourself. Find the loving embrace and release from self judgment and all thoughts or wrongness. Thank you Father for this opportunity and gift to see the Truth of me, the Real of me. Be the Child you are in spite of the ego’s determination to have you believe in sickness and separation. You are not the body, you are free, you are this instant as God created You. Bring a sense of humor to the whole situation. Let us laugh at the ego’s attempt to hide the Real Identity We Be. Let us sing and rejoice, and tell ourselves of the good news. We are Free, we are Innocent. We are the dreamer and the dreaming of this dream. We are not the body that is healthy or sick that appears in the dream. Let us give up both sides of the illusory field of opposites. Identity I transcends the body and yet includes the body as the means or learning device to Self-discovery. Call forth the Child (Holy Spirit) and ask to see all this through Her Sacred Eyes. She will bring you to The Child’s Meadow once again.

I am with you always. Peace, Love and Happy Expectations for Self-Discovery, my dear friend and brother.

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